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Rent News, How-To's, and Advice

Helpful reads to guide you through finding and benefiting from
rental assistance and other housing programs

How Having a Stable Home Helps Mental Health

In the United States, many people who have trouble with their mental health also struggle to find and keep a good place to live. Mental health is very important because it affects how we feel, think, and interact with others.&nbs...

HUD Launches $40 Million Initiative to Combat Evictions and Support Vulnerable Tenants

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is stepping up its efforts to prevent evictions with a significant $40 million funding announcement.  This initiative ai...

Understanding Rental Assistance: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Rental Assistance: A Comprehensive Guide In these economically challenging times, finding reliable information on rental assistance can be a lifesaver. This guide aims to provide you with essential resour...

How to Apply for Rental Program Assistance: The Procedure Explained

If you need rental assistance, you may be wondering what the application process looks like. In this blog post, we will explain the entire procedure from start to finish. Remember that the requirements...

Relief for At-Risk Homeowners and Renters

While the economy has improved since the height of the pandemic, many households continue to struggle with housing costs. Fortunately, resources are available for at-risk homeowners and renters in need of assistance. Federal an...

Housing and Manufacturing Lead the Economic Recovery

Thursday, January 21 — the Department of Labor's jobs report finds that fewer Americans filed for unemployment compensation over the past week. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to infect hundreds of t...

How Rental Assistance Programs Impact Landlords and Housing Markets

Rental assistance programs play a crucial role in the ecosystem of housing, especially for low-income families.  These programs not only provide needed support to renters but also have significant e...

HUD's $10 Million Grant Initiative: A Bridge to Homeownership for Underserved Communities

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has recently ignited a beacon of hope for underserved communities by announcing $10 million in grants, specially earmarked fo...

Nonprofits Racing Against Time to Distribute Rental Assistance Funds

A collective of nonprofits in Colorado is charged with the substantial task of distributing $30 million in rental assistance before the end of June. These funds are sourced from the state's Temporary E...