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Rent News, How-To's, and Advice

Helpful reads to guide you through finding and benefiting from
rental assistance and other housing programs

Big News for Renters: The White House Unveils Measures to Safeguard Renters

In the United States, the rental market is characterized by a fragmented array of state and local regulations, often leaving renters with limited options when housing providers disregard the law o...

Iowa to Offer $35m in Rental Assistance

Polk County, Iowa, wasn't necessarily hit any harder than anywhere else during the pandemic's height in 2020. Like most other places in the United States, they had to shut down the bulk of their businesses, and thousands of people wer...

What You Need to Know about the Rent-to-Own Home Ownership Plan

  When planning to buy a house, it is essential to spend enough time evaluating the different home ownership options and settle on one that suits your needs best. If you don't have enough down payme...

Considerations to Make Before Renting a House for the First Time

Moving into a new house can be exciting and challenging in equal measure. You need a house with specific features, price, and neighborhood, but you are unsure if the real estate agent will locate such for ...

Why You Should Consider Owning a Home through the Rent-to-Own Plan

Many individuals hope to become homeowners in the future. Some fulfill their dreams sooner than others because of different reasons. For example, you may fail to accomplish your homeownership plans because...

Information You Need to Have Before Settling on the Rent-to-Own Plan

There are several steps you should follow when renting a house. One of them is signing a rental agreement before moving in. However, it is vital to read and understand the details of the contract before sig...

Things You Need to Know Before Renting an Apartment for the First Time

When the time comes for you to move out of your parent’s house, you will need to rent an apartment. While you will finally be excited to enjoy some freedom, it will come with extra responsibiliti...

Is Rent-to-Own Right for You?: The Pros and Cons of Rent-to-Own Programs

Buying a home is one of the biggest decisions that many people make in their lifetime. Not only is it an expensive investment, but it also involves a long-term commitment that may be too much for som...

Rent-to-Own: How to Know Whether It Is the Best Strategy for Owning a Home

When planning to buy a home, it is vital to get all the helpful information possible to settle on the best one depending on your needs and budget. It would be best to research the various ways you ...