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Rent News, How-To's, and Advice

Helpful reads to guide you through finding and benefiting from
rental assistance and other housing programs

​​​​​​​The Urgent Need for Housing Solutions: How Universal Basic Income and Cash Transfers Can Make a Difference

As the housing crisis in the United States continues to escalate, more and more Americans are struggling to afford stable housing. Homelessness ...

The Benefits of Renting a Home to Buy it in the Future

Buying a home is one of the significant investments you might make in your lifetime. Before starting a home purchasing process, gathering as much information as possible is essential. It will help you make proper choi...

Combatting the Eviction Wave: Colorado Launches Innovative Rental Assistance Program

Colorado has launched an ambitious and innovative rental assistance program to tackle the mounting eviction crisis that has gripped the state. The Temporary Rental Assistance Grant pro...

$30,000 Housing Assistance Boost Available for Migrants in Massachusetts

Migrants in Massachusetts who are living in emergency shelters may be eligible for a state-run program that provides up to $30,000 over two years to secure stable housing. HomeBASE, the program in...

Colorado Lawmakers Move Legislation Forward to Help Families Access Nutrition and Housing Services

The Colorado state legislature has taken steps to expand access to housing and nutritious foods for those on Medicaid with the passage of Bill HB24-1322 by the House Health ...

Deadline Nears for Vital Housing Assistance Applications in the USA

As the calendar pages turn, a critical deadline approaches for Americans in need of housing assistance. With only a few weeks left, applicants across the United States are urged to submit their forms for ...

Bridging the Affordability Gap: A New Rental Assistance Program for Whitefish

The scenic town of Whitefish, Montana is known for its natural beauty and vibrant community. However, like many popular mountain towns, Whitefish faces challenges with housing affordability for...

States Expand Low-Interest Loan Programs for Farms, Businesses, and New Housing

  States across the United States are experiencing a surge in public interest in their low-interest loan programs, as businesses and individuals seek financial relief from high interest rate...

A Lifeline for the Vulnerable: Linn County's Rental Assistance Program

While the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted communities across Iowa, the most vulnerable members of society have been hit hardest. For those already struggling to afford basic ...